Providing Documentation and Examples

Besides machine-readable descriptions, an OpenAPI Description (OAD) can also include traditional documentation meant to be read by developers. Automatic documentation generators can then merge both and produce comprehensive, nicely-structured reference guides, for example.

This page shows how to take full advantage of special documentation capabilities in OpenAPI like markdown syntax or example objects.

The Description Field

Almost every object in the OpenAPI Specification accepts a description field which can provide additional information for developers, beyond what can be automatically generated from the API descriptions.

For instance, a parameter’s name, type and valid range of values are already present in the API description. The description field can complement this information by explaining the purpose of this parameter, the effect of each value or possible interactions with other parameters:

        required: true
              type: integer
              minimum: 0
              maximum: 11
                Current volume for all audio output.
                0 means no audio output (mute). 10 is the maximum value. 11 enables
                the overdrive system (danger!).
                When set to 0 all other audio settings have no effect.

Additionally, the Path Item, Operation and Example objects, which usually have long descriptions, accept a summary field providing a short description. Documentation generators can use this field in the full list of paths, or in page headers, for example.

Providing Long Descriptions in YAML

In JSON format all strings are enclosed in quotes and it is therefore clear where they begin and end. In YAML, though, strings more than one line long can be a bit confusing.

To begin with, long descriptions like the one above end when a YAML line is found with smaller indentation. Leading space is important!

Furthermore, the above example uses the plain mode for strings. It is easy to use because it does not require any special syntax, but it can confuse YAML-parsing tools if the string contains colon : or hash # characters. In these cases, the whole string must be enclosed in single or double quotes:

description: "Beware of lines containing colons and hashes like this: #"

If precise control over the location of line breaks is required, two more string modes exist, enabled by an indicator character alone on the first line of the description:

  • Literal mode (Pipe | indicator character): Line breaks in the source YAML file are preserved in the output.
  • Folded mode (Greater-than sign > indicator character): Line breaks are removed so the output is a single string. Use an empty line to force a line break.

YAML source - Literal mode

description: |
  This is a string
  in multiple lines.

  And an extra one.

Output - Literal mode

This is a string
in multiple lines.

And an extra one.

YAML source - Folded mode

description: >
  This is a string
  in multiple lines.

  And an extra one.

Output - Folded mode

This is a string in multiple lines.
And an extra one.

The literal and folded modes do not need to use quotes.

The CommonMark Syntax

description fields allow rich text formatting by using CommonMark 0.27. This section is a quick summary of the syntax of the most commonly used features.

Far more features than listed below are available (including HTML tags), but given that OpenAPI descriptions are meant to be included inside larger auto-generated documentation, using more advanced formatting is typically very complicated.


# Level 1
## Level 2
### Level 3


**Strong Emphasis**


- Item 1
- Item 2
  - Item 2.1


An inline `code span`.

A fenced code block
[Link text](Link URL)
![Alt text](Image URL)

Adding Examples

Finally, some OpenAPI objects can list examples explicitly instead of having them embedded in the description field, enabling automated processing by tools.

This allows, among other things:

  • Special rendering of the examples inside the documentation.
  • Example objects can be used by mock servers as return values.

Two different fields provide this functionality: example allows one sample whereas examples allows multiple. Only one of the two fields can be present in each object.

The content of the example field (found in Parameter, Media Type and Schema Objects) must match the format of its parent object:

    type: integer
    minimum: 1
    maximum: 3
    example: 1

On the other hand, the examples field (found in Parameter and Media Type Objects) is a map pairing an example name with an Example Object. This object provides a summary and a description for the example along with the actual code (inside the value field or as an external reference in the externalValue field, but not both).

This is a snippet from the Tic Tac Toe sample API:

    description: The provided parameters are incorrect
      text/html: # This is a Media Type Object
          type: string
            value: "Illegal coordinates."
            value: "Square is not empty."
            value: "Invalid Mark (X or O)."

Note how all examples match the schema provided (they are all strings).


This page has shown the features provided by OpenAPI to aid in the documentation process. More specifically:

  • Documentation can be added almost everywhere using a description field. Some objects also allow a summary.
  • Text can use rich formatting using CommonMark syntax, quickly summarized in this page.
  • Documentation can be extended with sample code using the example or examples fields.

The next page shows how to specify the server where the API can be accessed.